Kikuo Wiki

"Kikuo Miku 2" Pre-released Only at the Venue (「きくおミク2」を会場限定で少しだけ先行公開しました盤[?]) is an album produced by Kikuo and illustrated by si ku.

It is the second album in the Kikuo Miku (きくおミク) series, and pre-release version of Kikuo Miku 2 (きくおミク2).

The album contains six songs, the sixth track being a bonus song.

Track List[]

  1. And Then You Became the Moon
  2. Dust Dust Curse
  3. I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry
    (ごめんね ごめんね)
  4. The World's Kindest Shinigami (世界で一番優しい死神)
  5. Pokkan Color (ぽっかんカラー)
  6. Bonus Track: Just Because It Feels Good (気持ちいいことだけで)